My memories of year 5JW
This year has been my best year yet!
Things I will always remember are:
- Mr Watson Forgetting his glasses
- Jemimas random, but funny words (my picnic)
- Our hilarious registers in the morning
- clumsy Mr Watson stories
- Monkey master and monkey mistress
- Our blog
Activties I will remember:
- Bread Making
- Kalba
- P.E Dance
- Swim Gala
Things I will miss are:
- Jemima
- Mrs H
- Mr Watson
- The teddies
Things I look forward to are:
- Miss Bates
- House captin and head girl
- Main leads in plays/concerts
- Mrs Kenny
I have enjoyed everything that has
happened in year 5. Im going to miss
people and things In yr 6. I hope I have an
ejoyable holiday and look forward to yr 6.
Eloise =o)
I agree with everything you said there eloise, and i will miss the same things you said!
I will miss Jemima LOADS too!
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