I have loved year 5JW. It has been a pleasure having you you wonderful people in my class. It's been a great year from my point of view, and one I will look back on over the summer, and in years to come, with pride and happiness. Thank you for all of your hard work, enthusiasm, effort and humour! ;-)
There are so many things I could talk about - we have done so much. I feel the year has gone so fast in so many ways, although it seems ages since Louis left for Doha!
Some particular days or events that stand out for me (in no particular order) include:
- International Day
- Desert Day
- Christmas concert outside
- Class assembly rehearsals and rained off performace
- The re-arranged class assembly - you guys were brilliant!
- Saying goodbye to Louis, Tom and Kirsten - we miss you and hope all is well with you!
- Baking bread
- KALBA! - the best school trip I've ever been on!
- Summer show - Desert Dwellers!!
- Anti-Smoking debate
- sharing our Myths
- Bauhaus art trip
- water news reports
- Paul Klee painting and our LUSH work on display in DUCTAC
- making musical instruments
- etc etc etc
However, for me, the best bit is the overal atmosphere we have shared in class. Getting to know each and everyone of you individually has been my highlight. You guys are great!
I am so pleased to be next door to you guys next year and look forward to our residential trip, summer show and all the other exciting things we'll get up to.
Working with Mrs Hislop all year has also been a great pleasure and privilege - she is a true star and was a major part of our class throughout the year.
I have loved 5JW. Thanks again for all of your efforts.
Have a great summer holiday whereever you are. Be Safe and Enjoy!
Mr Watson
I'd forgotten about the debate - it was fab! If you need any extra people for trip next year - I'M FREE!!!
I've really enjoyed being with Mr Watson this year and i think i have settled in with him really well!!!!
Rose xx
I wish you were our teacher next year :(
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