Hey everybody!
Yesterday (Tuesday) I had a nasty accident at school. At lunch break my foot started to really hurt, it hurt so much that I was barely able to walk so I had to limp to Nurse Cathy’s room. She told me to take my shoes and socks off. I took them off and my right foot had a huge lump on the side and it was all swollen. So Nurse Cathy phoned my mum to come and pick me up. She also said that it would be a good idea to go and get an X-ray just in case it was serious. Nurse Cathy gave me a crutch to give me support when I was walking on my good leg.
So my mum drove me to Emirates Hospital to have an X-ray done. It took a while before we were seen but that didn’t really matter. First we saw the paediatrician (the child’s doctor) and he asked me a few questions about how I was feeling and how I did it. To be quite honest I really can’t remember doing it. Well anyway we waited another couple of minutes while the nurses got ready for me to have my X-ray.
Once I was finished they sent the doctor in to have a look at it. He came back and told me that I had a hairline fracture (which is a tiny crack in a bone). The crack was in the bone just underneath my little toe. So the nurse that was a friend of Nurse Cathy wrapped my foot up in bandages and put a hard back slab on the bottom of my foot. If it doesn’t heal by itself in a week then I will have to wear a plaster cast for 4-6 weeks!
So right now I have my right foot wrapped in bandages and I am using crutches, great way to end my last full week at school.
From Kristi
hi kristi rose here that must really hurt and i hope you get much better for the summer!!!
Hi Kristi, hope you feeling ok. Hopefully you won't have to get a plaster cast on next week. Look forward to seeing you back in school before the end of term.
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