Meet 5JW. What a cool and friendly looking bunch!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Adam's Nanna says....

Hello Mr Watson and 5JW

I am Adam Osborne's Nanna, and I live in England. I have spent the last year reading your blog, and keeping up with everything that you have all been doing.

I came over to Dubai in March to visit Adam and his family, (His Mum is my Daughter) It was also Adam's Birthday, so there where lot's of things going on.

I thought Book Day was amazing, everybody went to so much effort for Narnia. Adam was The Wardrobe, and Mr Watson The Snow Queen !!!!
Then there was The Swimming Gala, Well what can I say, you are all amazing swimmers, (I wish I could swim)

I cannot beleive all the things that you have done this year, But for me one of the highlight's was reading about how much you all enjoyed your visit to Kalba, I know Adam did and cannot wait to go back again. Adam sent me a long e-mail, telling me all about it, from the minute you left King's until you all arrived back again, It sounds like you all had a fantastic time.

I would just like to finsih with a Big Thank You to Mr Watson for being such a Great Teacher, I know you have all really enjoyed being in his class and will miss him.
I hope you all have a fantastic summer holiday, Adam is coming home for a few weeks and I cannot wait to see him, and his Brother Ben.

Thank you once again Mr Watson.
Kind Regards to you all Barbara Jones


Class 5JW said...

What a lovely message. Thanks for your kind words. it's great to know that our fun and work has been read about in England. Thanks!

Mr Watson

Mrs H said...

It's great to hear you can keep up to date with Adam in school. It has been a great year. Enjoy your visit from Adam and Ben.