Meet 5JW. What a cool and friendly looking bunch!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Rose's report

On Wednesday 15th April Ashleigh had her belated birthday so Eloise, Becky, Lauren, Lucy, Ashleigh and Iwent to the Mall of the emirates and went to the cinema to watch hotel for dogs. It was really good.

After the film we went back to ashleighs house and chose our beds. For tea we had pizzas that we made and then went onto the trampoline.After that we had ice cream cake and then went to bed and talked for AGES!!!!We played truth or dare and it was really funny!!! :P :)

By 12:00 ashleigh had fallen to sleep but everyone else was still awake. We carried on swopingbeds at 1st I was on the sofa then I was on the other sofa and then becky had her head oh the mattress lauren had her head on the mattress and eloises feet we on my feet and we were squished!!!By 2:30 everyone was asleep.In the morning lauren woke everyone up at 7:30 so everybody slept for 5 hours except ashleigh who slept for7 and half hours!

When everyone had to go when the mums were there we all hid and they had to look for us.I think everyone had a fun time!!!

Rose xox

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