On Wednesday the1 st of April Kings Dubai did a swimming gala.
Unfortunately I was ill so I wasnt able to do the gala, which was really disappointing.
I cheered my team on (hanover) really loudly, so load that my head nearly fell off!!!
In the end Hanover came 4th, Stuart were 3rd,Tudor were second and Windsor were 1st.
Windsor won over all and got a trophy but Hanover got a smaller trophy. But Mrs Watson said
that they ment the same things. Anyway Hanover won the best surporting team cup and we were delighted that we got it.
Everyone did really well and swam awesomely!
We weren't upset that we were 4th and after that went back to school and were chuffed with ourselves!
From Rose xox
Unfortunately I was ill so I wasnt able to do the gala, which was really disappointing.
I cheered my team on (hanover) really loudly, so load that my head nearly fell off!!!
In the end Hanover came 4th, Stuart were 3rd,Tudor were second and Windsor were 1st.
Windsor won over all and got a trophy but Hanover got a smaller trophy. But Mrs Watson said
that they ment the same things. Anyway Hanover won the best surporting team cup and we were delighted that we got it.
Everyone did really well and swam awesomely!
We weren't upset that we were 4th and after that went back to school and were chuffed with ourselves!
From Rose xox
I know Hanover rock because we are the best surporters!!
Rose xox :) :P
Wow Rose that is a great sign. Who cares if we came last,we swam are hearts out! If you weren't sick then we would have maybehad a shot at coming 3rd. Welldone everyone,you all swam very well!
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