Meet 5JW. What a cool and friendly looking bunch!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Angela's bad day

I had a very bad Friday!I was at the autodrome AGAIN!But thats not the bad news. It's worse! April Friday 24th 2009, was the champion ship!And on the practice lap for the motor bikes, FIVE riders including my dad, crashed into each other on one of the corners! When my grandma found out she started to cry, because my dad along with the other 4 riders got sent to the hospital. My dada's friend Meidi asked my gran if she would like to come with him to the hospital. And she left with him. It took 3 or 4 hours for my gran and dad to come back! My dad was still alright! He had a big bruse on his chest and cheek. I was so happy that my dad was still alive! But there was some more bad news for my dad. He was at hospital through all the races! So he wasn't champ of the year... So he was quite heart-broken! And so I wasn't really like my usual smiley face that time. Atleast I still had my dad. That was the WORST FRIDAY EVER! And scary.


Rose said...

i hope he gets better soon angela and i wish him the best of luck!


Eloise said...

i hope hes alright, give him my luck!

Eloise :o)