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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Paul's news

Last term I decided to join the afterschool horse riding activity. The first lesson was so scary! They put me on a huemungse horse.I really do not like heights, so I hung on with all my might & only managed to walk during my first lesson. I did do the ‘round the world in your saddle’ game but I found it difficult to keep my balance. As the weeks have passed I have learnt a lot about horses during the ‘stable management’ course which you also get during the hour lesson. Well, after eight weeks of lessons I can now trot sitting bolt upright with eyes focused through the horses ears, holding my reins correctly and leading my horse Lena without my horse guide. I really love riding and would recommend it to my friends to join next term when we start again.

One day our normal teacher Rommy was off sick so we had another lady to teach us, she was really fun and taught us to play ‘Traffic Lights’ on your horse! Red means stop, orange means walk and green means trot as fast as you can to the other side of the arena to win. A great game.

Paul O


Freya said...

Wow Paul sounds like you learned alot about Horse's in Horse Riding!
I learned alot from it to, like how to lead it, how to muck up poo, how to walk, how to trot and how to take care of it in genral.I loved Horse Riding with you and the others and I would like to keep it up.

PS You don't have riding in the summer unles it is private lesons

Krispy said...

great to hear you take an intrest paul! I do horse riding and trust me its hard when you get higher, im JUMPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well i hope u enjoy in the future as well!!!!!


P.S I d do private lessons in B1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!