Meet 5JW. What a cool and friendly looking bunch!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Kristi the poet
Not funny jokes
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
King Of The Week ( Term 3, Week 2) is Lauren

- always there to help
- kind
- always joyful
- has neat handwriting
- is very funny
- is crazy (in a good kind of way)
- is a natural comedian
- is always smiling
- can balance being funny with being serious and working hard
- has a great sense of humour
- is caring
- always helps people out
- has a great attitude towards everything
- plays with everybody
- is funny
- is extremely enthusiastic
- is a great friend
- is hilarious
- is a great team player
- gives 100% to everything
A great person and fantastic member of Class 5JW
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Who wants to be a millionaire - maths game
Lots of fun to play and great to get you thinking hard.
Mr Watson
Monday, April 27, 2009
House Word Challenge
In English (word level work) this week we are looking at words that are taken or borrowed from other languages and are now part of our everyday English language.
For example, spaghetti is an Italian word, but we now use it in English.
Add your words and ideas by commenting to the this link with your house group too, and we will calculate which team can come up with the most words - they will get extra house points for their star!
Good luck!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Emily's post
Its Emily Liebenhals here. I have just read your class blog and I thought it was fantastic, I really enjoyed reading all about the things you all did during the Easter Break. I really miss going to all those places in Dubai.
I will be writing my own blog soon, so when it is finished I shall give you the website so you can see what I have been up to too.
I also would like to wish Tom and Kirsten Good Luck and It is sad to learn they are going.-although they have already left.
I really miss you all and thank you for your kind Sympathy cards you all signed and sent me.
All I can say is that I think your blog is brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Emily x
Rose is in Dreamland!
When we got there we put our suncream onand then Francesca and I went of by ourselves. The first ride we went on were the yellow and green flumes and then the pink.After that we all gathered together and went on the family ride. We were about half way down and we went up the sides, I forgot to hold on so when we went up the side Ibanged my nose on Francescas head.(It really hurt).
After that we split up again and Francesca and I went on the kamacaza. I was first to go down and it was about 5 seconds until I reached the bottom.
When I got to the end it was soooooooo painful because I probably had worlds biggest wedgie!!! (haha)Anyway after going down that 13 times we walked down to the wave machine. It was so annoying because everybody who wanted to go in hadto were a life jacket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We then had an ice cream and a drink and as soon as we had finished we went straight back on the rides.After all the fun we set off back home and were so bored for 1 hour.
Rose xoxox
Ashleigh's funny links
I have been on YOU TUBE and typed in funny cats, I found [of course]
found a funny cat video HAVE SOME LAUGHS WATCHING THIS VIDEO: .
I also found a slightly angry cat as well, for some reason it doesn't like men... WATCH OUT MR.WATSON!
watch....but stand back!
Lambos Doplhin Trip
After school on Thursday, me and my sister ,Rachel went to the dolphin ariom ,to go swimming with dolfins as a christmas pressant from my nanna and grandad, (and what a very special present it was).
Once we got to the dolphin ariom ,we went to met our instructor ,and he gave us a few brefings, like how hold onto the dolfins and what too touch and what not to touch on the dolfins boby ,like the blow whole and the eys!(THAT GOES FOR AVA).
Once me and my sister got our swimming stuf on ,we got into the water and started to swim it was magical, it was amazing
It was wonderful. Having thes two fins to hold onto and a Dolfin swimming in front of you dipping and glyding under and obve the water it was gust spectacular wonderful and amazing it was a com pleat joy of amesment the two dolfins I swum with were Bubbles ,Joe and two others.
The end
Matthew's Holiday news
The main highlight of my Easter was going to England.
My mum,my sister Emma,my other sister Katie and me went too Hampton wick to stay the 2 week Easter holiday. One of the main things that we did was walk all day, all night was walking straight and never back. (though we did find are way back home,somehow).
We also did a lot of shopping mainly in the clothes shops (very boring) but on the last day we went into a shop named sports direct which is a really good sports shop, and guess what I got: I got the new England football kit and also some new football boots,which are named Nike total 90 laser 2.
Talking about football I persuaded my mum to let me watch the Manchester united vs. Porto football games,both legs,I wasn't very impressed by the way man united played but they still won on aggerant 2-3 so now they will face arsenal in the semi final.
After a week and a half in England we went to Ireland to go to a wedding.It was absolute freezing,but I got used to it,the temperature was 5 degrees to 7 degrees.The outfit I had to where was a pair of skinny black jeans(I wore those jeans for the school assembly)with a shirt that had strips down the middle I also wore a jet black skinny tie.The wedding wasn't much fun because I am the youngest in my family.The people who were getting married were uncle Alvin and auntie Rita.
To the conclusion I had a great Easter holiday.
From Matthew
Tom's news
Right now I'm in the middle of the Indian ocean on a very hot day. Normally I don't have much to do, so I just read (I've read nearly all he books!) play game boy or go on the computer.
BUT, sometimes dolphins jump out of the water and swim with the boat. It's amazing watch them jump out of the water and do amazing somersaults, we looked up in a marine life book, it was a Spinner Dolphin, which had a grey outline on it's ribs and white for the belly. It also had a black for It's back.
But one day on the Thursday the 23rd We caught a BLUE MARLIN!!! It was a baby one though. We let it go because it was soooo beautiful! It had grey stripes on its belly and a pale blue colour for its belly too. Then on top it had a dark deep navy blue o top. It also had a white and navy blue striped fin and a bluesh-blackish nose to stun prey, it was hooked there too so we just had to do a sharp jerk up and, it was gone!
Now only 2 days 'till we get to the Maldives, and when we get there me and James are going to do a scuba-diving course!
Lot's of LoveTomXOXO
Saturday, April 25, 2009
VIBRATIONS - Dancing Rice
As part of our theme work we are looking at Sound - how we hear it and how sounds vary. On Thursday 22nd April Mr Watson enjoyed showing year 5JW & 5KON his drum kit.
We talked about sound being made from vibrations and this clip helps illustrate that point - the harder the snare drum is hit, the bigger the vibrations are. Just watch the rice to see this is true.
Watch and enjoy!
Angela's bad day
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Elephant Dung!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Ear and Sound
This another great link - all about how sounds change:
Mr Watson
Mr Watson's Easter news
One of the best things I did over the holidays was to go to JAM JAR again. This is the art studio where you can paint whatever you like. I used my second voucher that you all kindly got me for Christmas (THANK YOU VERY MUCH AGAIN!!!)
This time I was inspired to do some paintings using lots of shades of Orange, Yellow and Red. I have been thinking and dreaming in Oranges of late!!! I had also looked at some of the work we saw when we visited the Bauhaus exhibition last term, and really like Josef Albers' work.

This is one of Josef Albers' famous paintings (left)
You can see some of Albers' work on the wall behind 5JW on the photo below:

This time I didn't take my Ipod and just enjoyed painting. I chose 3 small canvasses and tried to make them all similar in theme but still different, by slightly changing the patterns and shades of oranges.
They are going to go on the wall in my spare room - becuase they match the bed throw and curtains!!!
What do you think?

Mr Watson

Monday, April 20, 2009
Luke's brilliant new quad bike!
Becky's Water Park reviews

Waterparks in Dubai
I am lucky enough to have been to three water parks in the UAE! Here is my comparison of them:
Wild Wadi
reasonably good price
good selection of rides - best one: Juneirah Sceirah
imaginative ideas
only a few rides
risk of scraping your back on uphill rides
food service quite slow
Aquaventure - Atlantis Hotel
The Leap of Faith - scariest ride in the world!
Good variety of food
nice beaches
Extremely long queues to get in
very expensive to get in
Dreamland Aquapark - Umm AL Qwain
no queues for rides or to get in
imaginative rides e.g. the washing machine
an hour's drive from Dubai
it could do with a clean up and nicer changing rooms
Overall, my favourite waterpark is Dreamland although I did enjoy them all. Let me know which is your favourite!
Paul's holiday news
During the Easter break my family and I spent a few days in Fujairah at the Sandy Beach Hotel. It’s really nice there, not at all glitzy like most Dubai hotels. From our hotel room we looked right at the beach and the Arabian ocean and Snoopy Rock. On our first day after a very long drive, we took the long way round!! We spent the whole afternoon and evening on the beach playing and trying to catch crabs! There were hundreds of them living in the rocks. We saw some really big ones and I even caught one with my net but it managed to get away. When we got there we were told there had been an oil spill off the coast and we may see some globs of oil on the beach, we did not see any but our feet were black with oil. It’s really hard to get it off. I hope when we go again we won’t have the same problem. Me and my dad made a three tunnel trench which lasted until the tide came in. We had a really good time and had an unforgettable experience.
From P@ul
Sound of Music
Check out the link below to begin learning about sound:

In the holidays I went to Ashleighs sleepover party, Part of the plan
was to go to the movies. I actually did'nt know what we were seeing
and it turned out to be 'Hotel for Dogs' and it was a really good film!
There were two main characters Andy played as Emma roberts, and
her brother Bruce, played as Jake. T Austin. It was really funny, I
especially liked the wacko and bad singers parents!
Im not going to tell you what happens apart from the make a Dog
hotel for strays and visitors, and cooper a bulldog who eats anything
is there recycling bin!! If you do watch it sure you will enjoy it,
but there is a sad part so I advise you to bring some tissues!!
I thought it was a brilliant movie and I would like to see
it again!!
Eloise :o)
My new puppy - by Chris

On Thursday the 16 April, one of the gardeners brought in a stray puppyPekingese! We have tried to find the owners but unfortunately the dogdoesn't have a micro-chip. We have put a notice out with local vets.
We named the dog Lucy, since it was a girl. It has a flat face and reallybig, cute eyes. She is only 46 cm long. It is a really expensive dog worthabout 6000 TO 8 OR 9000 DHS!!!

My mum loves the new dog, but my dad thinks it's ridiculous flat face seemsrather odd!!! It gets on well with chewy, my other dog.
We hope we can keepher, if the owners don't claim her!!!
Alec's holiday report

During the holidays I went doughnuting which is where a speed boat pulls you around in a rubber ring at 35 knots and in my case an extremely choppy day on a rope. My friend Lewis came on the boat but was to sick to do it properly so I ended up going with teenager ... after a while we both agreed he was trying to get us off because we spent more time in the air than on the water and skidding like crazy. At one point I let go and was completely in air,thankfully I didn't fall in!
3 days later we came back to the beach club and went on a catamaran the group before us the another bunch of friends staying at our house saw a sea turtle while out at sea but me ,my dad and doug { my dads friend and a sailing instructor} however saw nothing. That's a bit sad don't you think anyway I had a fab time so never mind!
The surprise (by Dan)
wen we got there we went in the new terminal and checked in our lugage.
the new terminal looked very diferent to the old terminals.The new terminal looked
more modern and clean.
Once we cheked in our luggage we went for a look around and we saw a burger king .
All of us were hungry so we went to eat a burger king. I had a beef roal and a coke,
after our lunch we went exploring to see if there was a bar but un fortunatly there wasn't,
and my dad was a bit surprised.Because it was an internatinal air port.
After we went looking for a bar. We went to our terminal and boarded on to our flight.
The plane was an A330-200 it was a veary basic Emirats plain because you didnt
have the ice system of entertainment.You had the chanells thats all right, considering
its an7hour and 45 minut flight.
Once we got to Birmingham air port we got our passports stamped and went to pick
up our lugage. and then we went to see our uncle Prang.He helped us whith pur lugage
and put it in the car once he did that we began our two our ride to Boldarton.
Once we got to boldarton my dad and Prang got out the car me and my sister had to
hide in the car to surprise my nanna and grandad. Once my dad said hello me and my
sister got out the car and said hello and happy weding anniversary........
Ashleigh's sleepover party
I had my sleepover party on Wednesday, here's some info:
* Becky got lip gloss in her hair
* we all got black faces and red or silver noses
*we drank hot coca with cream mmmmmmmmm.....
*stayed up till 1:30
*told spooky stories
*played TRUTH or DARE
*watched Hotel for dogs
Lucy's new names for the class!

1. Use the 3rd letter from your 1st name to get your new 1st name:
a- snickle n- sloopy
b- doombah o- fluffy
c- goober p- stinky
d- cheesy q- slimy
e- crusty r- dorfus
f- greasy s- snooty
g- dumbo t- tootsie
h- farcus u- dipsy
i- dorky v- sneezy
j- doofus w- liver
k- funky x- skippy
l- boobie y- dinky
m- sleezy z-zippy
Use the 2nd letter of your last name to get the 1st half of your 1st name:
a- dippin n- rhino
b- feather o- potty
c- batty p- hamster
d- burger q- buckle
e- chicken r- gizzard
f- barffy s- lickin
g- lizard t- snickle
h- waffle u- chuckle
i- farkly v- pickle
j- MONKEY w- hubble
k- flippin x- dingle
l- fricken y- gorilla
m- bubble z- girdle
Use the 3rd letter of your last name to get the 2nd half of your last name:
a- butt n- dunkin
b- boob o- brains
c- face p- biscuits
d- nose q- toes
e- hump r- doodle
f- breath s- fanny
g- pants t- sniffer
h- shorts u- sprinkles
i- lips v- frack
j- honker w- squirt
k- head x- humperdinck
l- tush y- hiney
m- chunks z- juice
Find out your name, comment on your real name and your new name!!!!!
P.S. Mrs. Watson's name is Doombah Dippinsniffer, Mr. Watson's name is Sloopy Dippinsniffer and Mrs. Hislop's name is Dorfus Farklefany!!
Lauren at Aquaventure
On Wednesday me, my Mum, Matthew and Sam went to the water park at the Atlantis and we had lots of fun. When we got there tried to look for some seats to put our towels and bags on.
After we had found the seats I took the boys to the kids area, where the mini slides are, but the only one Sam would go on was the smallest slide because he was scared of the big bucket that would fill up with water and tip over him!
But Matthew went on the smallest slide and the 2nd smallest slide.
My favourite slide there was the pitch black one and the steep one.
On Friday we went there again with my Dad and I went on two of the big slides which was shark attack and the end of this really steep green slide.
However my Dad took me and Matthew to the rapids and Sam aterwards, but that was a bit boring.
We also went to the kids area again and Sam went on some of the big slides there as well.
I really enjoyed going there, I had so much fun!
From Lauren :) :)
Kristi's Easter holiday report
Angela's news - the Kipper Catz
Hope U enjoy it!
Kipper Catz Blog:
Sami's Oman trip
I had a great time in Oman. I went to Oman for two days and three nights. I went with my mum,dad and my sister.
The best part of my tripwas when we went to the lava like souk. (You might be wondering why it was so hot? Well It was because there was no A.C.) When I got into the shops I was relieved... there was a fan. After a while I got used to the heat and got on to my mission of buying a dishdash and an Omani hat. Not long after that we went to a fantastic shop which sold everything that you can eat or drink and it was free. We bought three fresh green coconuts and we drank the bittery sweet juice.
I had a fantastic day and went to bed happily that night.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Adam at Anfield!
My highlight of the week was going to see Liverpool FC play against
On the 11th of April I set off to watch them play at the lunch time kick off.
We got the match day programme and then went
into the ground to watch the players warm up. When they had finished
they went to have their final team talk and then came out of the tunnel.
Before they started, there was a 1 minute silence for the 96 people who
died at the Hillsbourgh disaster.
As soon as the game had started there was action. Fernando Torres
controlled a high ball and volleyed passed the keeper. Great goal.
A header followed and we went into the break 2-0 up. I bought a
hot dog at half time and then sat down to watch the second half.
In the second half we scored another two goals. Daniel Agger
scored a fantastic long range shot. It flew into the top corner
like a rocket. Finally, at the very end David Ngog scored a header
into the bottom corner. We ended up winning 4-0. It was a fantastic
game and I am so glad I went to it.
Hope you all had a good holiday.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
More Book Day Photo's
Eloise in Rome!
Today I went to the coliseum it was good but totally unexpected! There are no seats left
And only a ¼ of the floor is left and the passages for the lion special effects. There was
A model showing the toilet it was one big halve opened tube with water flowing washing
Every thing down that got in the way! I’l tell you something the romans sure (shuuere)
Weren’t shy!
Zac's 'Australia' review
The story beginsin England where Lady Ashley wants to go to Australia and persuade herhusband to sell Faraway Downs. When she arrives in Darwin she meets a man called Drover whose job is to move cattle from one place toanother. Drover takes Lady Ashley to Faraway Downs. When they get there they find out that her husband got killed by King George they think with a glass tip spear.
That night Lady Ashley meets a half castboy called Nulla who claims he can use magic. Nulla tells her aboutthe cattle from Faraway Downs crossing the river into Carnies territory. In the morning she tells Fletcher what Nulla had told her.Then Nulla said that Fletchers a lier so Fletcher chases after Nulla and hits him. Lady Ashley then fires Fletcher.
Later Drover comes toFaraway Downs and Lady Ashley tells him what had happened. So Droverdecides to help Lady Ashley. The next day they get ready to go. It takes them many days to get to Darwin. When they get to the Darwin they loaded the cattle just before carnies.
Sometime later, whilstDarwin was being evacuated in preparation of a possible Japaneseinvasion, Nulla gets taken to Mission Island where all half-castechildren live. Two months later Lady Ashley goes to a radio tower tospeak to Nulla but is interrupted by Japanese fighter jets bombing Darwin. Everybody was scared because they were bombing the houses and towers. After the bombing people were helping putting out all the fires.
Drover and his aboriginal friend went to rescue all the kids onMission Island. When Drover arrives at Mission Island he finds all thekids hiding in the trees. They all see a light from some Japanesesoldiers they run down to the boat while Drover's Aboriginal frienddistracts the soldiers. When they are all on the boat they see Droversfriend get shot. When they arrive back in Darwin the see Lady Ashley and they all go back to Faraway Downs.
I thought the story wasfantastic because its full of surprises. The story made me feel happyand sad at different parts.
Rose's report
After the film we went back to ashleighs house and chose our beds. For tea we had pizzas that we made and then went onto the trampoline.After that we had ice cream cake and then went to bed and talked for AGES!!!!We played truth or dare and it was really funny!!! :P :)
By 12:00 ashleigh had fallen to sleep but everyone else was still awake. We carried on swopingbeds at 1st I was on the sofa then I was on the other sofa and then becky had her head oh the mattress lauren had her head on the mattress and eloises feet we on my feet and we were squished!!!By 2:30 everyone was asleep.In the morning lauren woke everyone up at 7:30 so everybody slept for 5 hours except ashleigh who slept for7 and half hours!
When everyone had to go when the mums were there we all hid and they had to look for us.I think everyone had a fun time!!!
Rose xox
Kian's Arabian Night
On the Friday 10th April me,my brother (Max),my mum,my dad,my two cousins (Johnny and James),my uncle chris and my mums two best freinds (Sue and Chiz) all went to a Desert Safari called Arabian Nights.The jeeps picked us up at 3:00pm and we started our Journey,it was about an hour and a half ride and it was very boring.When we arrived all I could see was firey red sand.
We did lots of cool activities like sand boarding,camel
When we climbed in to the trucks I wasn't scared but when we set off I was really scared. The dunes were masive,we went up some really big ones which made me feel sick and cry. When we arrived at the stopping point I was glad not to be in the car, but then my dad asked me if I wanted to go on a private ride with him, Chris, my brother, my cousins and Chiz. (They all said that my mum and Sue made me cry so I took their word for it.) So I said yes and off we went over huge dunes and not caring if I was going to flip over.
After the ride I was really proud that I got back in the car and went for another ride,it was a great experiance and would reconmend it to every body.But make sure you get a guide called Amdam.
It was a great day!!!!
Jemima's Easter Holiday News
In the holidays I went to a place called Ferry Farm , near my Granny and Grandad's house. We were the first people there so the goats started to chase us because of the food bags we had.Whilst the goats were being fed we walked round the farm we fed the other goats and the horses. We watched the pigs rolling about in the mud like lunatics. We then went to feed the baby lambs. The first one was very greedy and tried to drink all of the milk.The second lamb was a bit fussy so he had to be given to the farmer and I got a different one - a little black lamb. He was very greedy as well.
We had an icecream, fed the goats again and went home. I enjoyed my trip a lot .
Mrs Watson says....
Have a great Spring Holiday and a good rest. Well done on such a successful term and thank you for your hard work and effort.
It was really touching to see how much you cared about your colleagues that have sadly left at the end of this term. It is always difficult but we know Tom and Kirsten will kepp in touch and let us know how they are getting on. For Tom his big world wide boat adventure is just beginning and for Kirsten her adventure back to South Africa I am sure will be exciting.
Book day was great and you all looked superb as Narnia characters. I was very impressed with the amount of effort you put into your costumes - I particularly liked the Wardrobes!!
I am looking forward to next term and am sure it will be as jam packed and busy as this one. Hopefully your assembly on the first Wednesday (22nd April) will go ahead without any problems and defintely no rain! Mr Watson said how pleased he was with the maturity and understanding you showed when the assembly had to be called off. Please remind your mums and dads about it.
Enjoy the rest of the holiday and ..... Happy Blogging!
Angela's birthday

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Buddy Reading
We have had lots of fun reading books to them and with them. We have also written our own books to read to them all about our chosen insect.
A sad day too! Good Bye and Good Luck!

Check out some of the pictures of us below! How fantastic do you all look?
Add your comments about your characters and costumes. Did you enjoy the day? Who was your favourite character and costume?
Which other year groups did you like the most? Share your views by writing a post or leaving a comment.
SWIM GALA - Wednesday 1st April
I was amazed at just how incredible your swimming was. A superb effort and performance by everyone.
Leave a comment or write a post about your views of the brillaint gala.
Check out the photo's below :

Unfortunately I was ill so I wasnt able to do the gala, which was really disappointing.
I cheered my team on (hanover) really loudly, so load that my head nearly fell off!!!
In the end Hanover came 4th, Stuart were 3rd,Tudor were second and Windsor were 1st.
Windsor won over all and got a trophy but Hanover got a smaller trophy. But Mrs Watson said
that they ment the same things. Anyway Hanover won the best surporting team cup and we were delighted that we got it.
Everyone did really well and swam awesomely!
We weren't upset that we were 4th and after that went back to school and were chuffed with ourselves!
From Rose xox
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Paul's news
One day our normal teacher Rommy was off sick so we had another lady to teach us, she was really fun and taught us to play ‘Traffic Lights’ on your horse! Red means stop, orange means walk and green means trot as fast as you can to the other side of the arena to win. A great game.
Paul O