A month ago Kings' Dubai Y5 football team came 4th on FinalsDay.
We played verywell but we still lost. The first match against Dubai Royal school was1-1draw,we were 1-nil down with only 2 minutes to go then MatthewBaxter scoared a lovely goal at the bottom right corner.
The next match was 1-nil against JESS Jumaireh. We played very well in thatmatch but we sill didn't win.
I wish we had a second chance, but we didn't. That was my last chanceto play in the football team but it doesn't matter.Tom
I really enjoyed watching you guys. I was impressed by how well you played as team and thought you were really unlucky to be knocked out - you were the better team in both games in my opinion.
A super effort and performance.
Bit late right guys?!.
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