I thought Kalba, Hatta and Al awir was absoulutely fantastic. I loved every single one of the activities. They were all brilliant. I liked the canoeing in particular, because I like rowing. I have not been in a canoe before and I enjoyed learning how to maneuver it. The only bad part about the trip was the bus, it was boring! The tents were really comfortable & extremely cosy, also the food was nice . I feel very lucky to have been able to experience something like that & can't wait for the trip in yr6.
Thanks to all the teachers and staff who organised the trip and came with us!
On Sunday we went on a trip to Hatta.I did the abseiling, which I think I did well at and I enjoyed it. Then we went to do survival. I made a fire with one match. My funniest moment was when my friend was singing a bread rap and another friend was singing a Mini-gine song.
You looked like you had an awesome time too and I also did aswell!
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