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Monday, February 16, 2009

Matthew on Kalba

Kalba was the best school trip ever! We did loads of fun activities including sandboarding, traverse, rock-climbing, canoeing and many more.

The activity I found most challenging was rock climbing. I felt really tense and exhausted as I was reaching the top, but then after about 3 minutes of pure climbing I was really tired so I just abseiled back down.

My favourite activities were canoeing, survival, traverse and sandboarding. In survival you were split into groups of 4 with 3 groups. You then had an option to ever build a shelter, make a fire or catch a fish from the lake. Unfortunately I caught a fish but it slipped off my hook. In traverse you pull yourself across a lake with only 2 ropes attached to you. I wasn't scared of falling, but I thought I was going to crash my head on the over side so I kept looking back every few seconds.

I hope I get to do something this awesome with a school again.


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