My Hamster
My hamster is called Treasure. He is a Dwarf Russian Winter White which means he is small for a hamster and in the winter he is white but in the summer he is grey.The Dwarf Winter White Russian originates from Eastern Kazakhstan and South West Siberia where it lives amongst grassy steppes.
My hamster is called Treasure. He is a Dwarf Russian Winter White which means he is small for a hamster and in the winter he is white but in the summer he is grey.The Dwarf Winter White Russian originates from Eastern Kazakhstan and South West Siberia where it lives amongst grassy steppes.

The Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster is the least common of the two species of Dwarf Russian Hamster kept as pets and is therefore rarely seen in pet shops. I got him for my 8th birthday and I chose him because he was the only hamster in the pet shop who came up to the window of his cage to greet me.

He eats a special dry mixture especially for dwarf hamsters which includes raisins, nuts, corn curnels, sunflower seeds and edible pellet things. I also sometimes give him apple or carrot as a treat. I have to clean his cage every week when I have to give him more food, change the flooring (which are also pellets), change the soft bedding in his little house and change his water (even though I do it every day).

Treasure is very sociable and loves to be picked up and cuddled. For exercise he goes in a ball since strangely, he doesn't use his wheel. He only uses to sit on and stuff his face. It's very funny when he starts doing acrobatics on the bars of his cage. He does the monkey bars and
sometimes falls of at the least expected times. Treasure is in my room and sometimes in the night he starts trying to pull his food bowl down stairs. He is also a very could chewer and he chewed a big hole in is log! He is very cute and I love having him as my pet.

Treasure is very sociable and loves to be picked up and cuddled. For exercise he goes in a ball since strangely, he doesn't use his wheel. He only uses to sit on and stuff his face. It's very funny when he starts doing acrobatics on the bars of his cage. He does the monkey bars and

1 comment:
Treasure is so so cute and cuddly!!
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