This is my riddle
A man has to take a dog, cat, mouse & some cheese for the king across a river.
He can only take one animal across at a time.
If he takes the mouse, the dog will eat the cat.
If he takes the dog the cat will eat the mouse.
But if he takes the cat the mouse will eat the cheese
and he won't have a present for the king.
What can he take across first?
The first 5 people to get it right get a prize
bugatti chiron
4 years ago
Kristi thats a big and long riddle. When you read it to me in class, just in one go i gessed it right.
Love Kirsten
will the man take the cheese across first?
Kristi, please tell me in class!
Thats a hard riddle Kristi :P
Hard one.
That's it, all the prizes are taken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kristi xoxoxox
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