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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Luke hits the target!

One of the most exciting things I did on my holiday was that I got toshoot an air rifle.
We went to my cousin's house in Zululand, SouthAfrica and he has one. He is 20 years old. He put up a target on atree for him and I to aim at.
An air rifle works like a gun but the difference is that the leadpellet doesn't get knocked out by a hammer. It gets blown out by avery strong burst of air. The pellets are quite small and the one endis hollow.
The shooting was really, really fun because I like the feel of the gunin my hands. It was really hard to aim at the target because when youtry and aim your hand wobbles alot. I hit the target with my firstshot but it was out of bounds. When you pull the trigger there is alittle push against your shoulder and a bit of noise as the leadpellet shoots out.It was an amazing experience !


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