Meet 5JW. What a cool and friendly looking bunch!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Alec's Holiday plans

In the easter holidays 2 familys are visiting us the Holdsworths and the Hughes with a four day lap over. We are thinking about going to:

*Wild Wadi

*The aquarium at Dubai Mall

*The royal meridien
*Kart racing?

*Jet blasting?
*Boat trips?

*The Big Bus Company Trip of Dubai?

The Hughes arrive on the 4th of April and leave on the 13th while the Holdsworths arrive on the 9th and leave on 20th. Each family has 4 members,in the Hughes Louis [8], Jessica [5], Catrina [39], Harvey [40]. But in the Holdsworths Abbey ,[11] Ellen [13] ,Karen [36-37] Doug [39]. That means that we will have 12 people in the house for 4 days. Chaos!

1 comment:

claire said...

sound's like you had a blast Alec. 8}