That's what I want to say! A massive well done to the whole class for the fantastic bread making efforts today. Mr Watson is particularly pleased with how sensible and safe every body was today.
We had a great time making our bread and each pair/trio made a very different kind of bread.
Tell me all about whether the breads tasted as good as they looked and smelled!
All your bread looks fab, hope it tastes as good. Yas H
I think my chees bread is wwwwow!!!
wait until you try it yomyom!
pursonly I liked the ida of theading it, because you have to add the right amaunt of flawer and
The only bad thing was,that when the bread came out of the oven, I wanted the cheese to melt. But it didnt,it was stil YOMI!
By Dan
I thought kneading was very easy but I thought the pouring and weighing was a bit harder.I thought my bread tasted really nice
and would make it every day if I could. Next time, I would put a tiny bit less yeast in because it tasted a tiny bit of yeast. Also I would put in some fruit
Don't you all look fab making your bread, well done guys. I made some last night and it turned out well although I agree with Adam I would put less yeast in next time. Mrs H
On Thursday I made bread with Rose,Rose and I thought that KNEDING the bread was most disgusting!I found out at home that it tastes wonderful with butter. (yummy) I gave a guest some and he liked it too,he gave it a 10!I think I should add some honey next time.(if we ever make bread again)Other than my bread tasting great,it also tasted bland without butter.Over all I had a great time.thekneding made hands go a bit sore but that was OK.
by Ashleigh
(I checked my spellings)
hi 5jw
its me, matthew bird.
the bread looks tastey.
your blog is amazing .its got so much info on what you have been doing.
Homework I really enjoyed the bread making, i thought the kneadind was easy but very stiky!The pouring was hard because you have to put the right amount of milk or when you knead it is to wet but i still enjoyed that part.I really liked the smell of the bread when it came out of the oven it smelled extreamly yummy!The only bit i didnt like was when we had to pack up because it was so fun. Kian
I think my bread was great but we did mis out some ingredents.I also liked dan and kians one it looked great.I really enjoyed making bread and i hope i do it again in doha.PS:this is a coment.
I love bread making!! It was great fun. I found kneading the dough quite difficult and opposite to Adam, the weighing and measuring pretty easy. You should have seen the look on Lulu's (Eloise) face when we were kneading the dough!
I think my bread was delicious but I went a bit mad with the fruit - you know me!If I ever make bread at school again I would make it a little bit differently and a bit more yeast because my bread didn't rise well even though we had a small tin.
After school that day I begged my mum to buy me a baking tin. I loved bread making and would LOVE to do it again.
That was the best theme lesson ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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