Today 5JW visted the art exhibition entitled 'To the Holy Lands' at DIFC.
The exhibtion was enjoyable and was beautifully presented. It consisted of many old photographs taken over a hundred years ago, well before the age of digital photogrpahy that we use today.
The subjects of the photographs were all pilgrims (Muslims, Jews and Christians) making various pilgrimages (special journeys) to the 'Holy Lands'.
We looked carefully at the photo's some of buindings and some of people.

Our guides answered lots of our questions and we had to complete a worksheet.
We talked about timelines and history. We all made predictions of what could hapen in the future. We also chose items we would take if we were to go on a pilgrimage or long journey.
The photographs were displayed in a lovely way.
We enjoyed our visit and found it interesting.

Our Trip To The Holy Lands!
1. My favourite picture was a ruined archway with shade for peope to sit underneath it when it was sunny on a hot day. I liked the picture because it had lots of detail and it was very old and beautiful.
2. The items I would choose to take on my pilgrimages would be: clothes, food and water, compass, bible, phone and my favourite dog toy. I would take the clothes so I wouldn't have to wear the same dirty and smelly clothes everyday. I would take food and water so I wouldn't get dehydrated and starve on my long journey. I would take a compass so I would know which direction I was going: north, south, east or west. I would take a bible because I would be traveling to a place of worship and god and because I'm Christian. I would take a phone just in case I got lost in a sandstorm or a Shamal so I could phone help. I would take my favourite dog because he means the worldto me and I can't go on a journey without him.
3. I liked the presentation of the photographs because they look really intresting when they were put into catagories of different times, different people and different buildings.
4. The Gallery actually felt like you wre in the desert looking at old photographs well over 100 years old! The tour guide was very nice and she did a great job of showing and telling us all about the history and all about the gallery.
This is for HOMEWORK!!!
Hi guys,
i really liked that trip. It was so much fun. I really liked the sketching part as well! My favourite picture on the blog about our trip is, the top left. Because it's fab! I mean it's a great shot! And there's some great pictures on it as well.
Written by Angela.
I like the one from Jerusalem . Because it is simple.
I would choose a camel,tent,food and water. If I did ot bring them I would not suvive.
I like hawr ther black and white because you nevr see a blck and white photo.
Doing homework.
My favouite photo was the castle called The Damascus Gate because I always like castles I always find them interesting! The items I would take would be a tent to take cover, a compass to see were I am, food and water to keep up energy, Bible to read. I liked the way they set out the photos because they mixed different ones together like a castle, seas and holy places. I really enjoied the trip! I thought Ashily's drawing was fab!
hi i loved are trip to day it was fab.my favourite picture is the one wich is inside a church.i liked it because it had so much detail it was great.
My faviourite picture was the picture of the tent because it was different from any other tent.If I went on a pilgrimage I would take food,water and a tent.I liked that there was sand and the beige made the presentation fabolous.I liked the leaflet becuase it gives you something to think about.Alec
My favourite picture was the same one as Kristi's, theruined archway
My items would be water, food and a camel. I would bring the food and walter because you need it to survive and the camel so I don't have to do all the walking!
I thought that all the picctures were well presentated and spread out. I also like the writing next to all the pictures which tell you what they are
Thank yo Mr. Watson for organizing the trip, I thought it was great!
hi i liked our short trip to the holy lands.
1}i realy liked the one that was an arch int a cherch with the two monkes by each side of the arch.
2}i would choose a camal,camera,tent and food and water,mainly food and water for i could not survive without them.
3}the presintation of the pictures was a variaty at different parts of the exibition.
4}the sand maked the pictures more lifelike although they were real!and the tawaf gave such a different look.
not coppied but irigionly typed by DR.Christopher
Today's trip
My favourite photograph was the man wearing a turban on the blog. It looks like he's had a tough time! He has got so much character.
When I go on a pilgrimage I would take a quadbike I'll take some petrol so I don't run out of fuel,compass, map, dog ,oh yes,I need food for my dog, because otherwise, my dog will die if he does not have energy food. I'll also bring a tent,clothes,mobile phone, in case I get lost.Last of all I will bring a book and a remote control car that can go off road.
I liked the photos because they were in black and white. That made them seem very old. They were probably taken in the 1800's.
I liked the sand on the floor of the gallery. It made a good atmospher and I felt like I was in the desert.
I thought the museum had a great layout because it had all these turns and corners. My favourite part was the black box where you could go in and look at more photos.
I enjoyed the trip because I have never been to a photo exhibition before.
Some great homework so far guys! Well done to those who have added their comments so far. I really like the detail of Kristi's comments.
Remember to check your spellings guys!!!!!!
The art expedition was great!
My favourite picture was Mecca because it was very detailed with light and dark.
If I was going on a Holy trip I would take a compass, to show me where to go, a bible, for when I get there and food and water to suvive.
I liked the presentation of the photographs because they were detailed, intresting and FANTASTIC!!!
I have no more comments sorry!
Holy Lands 28/10/08
1.My favourate picture was the one of MOHAMMED SADIQ BAY because it shows me how important looking he was.Having your picture taken in those days must have been expensive!
2.If I went on a pilgrimage i would take......food and water because if i did't i would starve and get dhydrated;clothes because every-one needs fresh clothes every day;BIBLE because it is the christian law to.
3.I loved the exibition,the way it was set ot was amazing: sand on the floor;faded light on the pictures and a TAWAF.I mean how amazing!!!!!!
1. On my pilgrimage, I would take a tent for protection and to sleep in. I would also take food and water for survival.
2.I liked the presentation very much, the pictures were very old and I liked this effect. They were displayed very well.
3.I enjoyed the trip and found the gallery very interesting. I hope we have more school trips to discover more about our topics throughout the year.
Our intresting exebition!
On Monday the 27th of october 5JW went to an art exebition. It was really intresting and exciting, our guide gave us a sheet with different questions to answer and to find out several things eg: names pictures, how people travelled, what we could invent in a couple of years and what we would take on a pilgrimage
1. On a pilgrimage I would take water to survive and I wouldn't get dehydrated.
Food so I wouldn't starve.
A tent so I could sleep.
2.I liked the presentation of the pictures because they were all grouped in different ways eg; ruins. All the ruins would be grouped together.
My favourite picture was the ruined archway because in the picture it had lots of detail.
3.I really enjoyed the visit, and saw lots of things.
Rose this is home work!
1. My favourite picture is of Mohhamid Sadiq Bey, because he looked very rich and stylish(in a way) Gee, it must 'ave been expensive to have your picture in that time!!!!!
2. I wuld propably take on a modern day primilige: A tent, never trust the weather! A VHF(very high frequency radio) Food, water and clothes and last of all a diary with a pencil, or 3.
3. I liked the presentation because they looked like oil paintings(I like oil paintins), and they had a description wich fitted them very well.
The trip to the Holy Lands was great. My favourite picture was one of some old stone steps and stairs. It was my favourite because it had an interesting texture, it looked rough and had a rocky outer layer. If I were actually there, walking up the steps, I would drag my fingers along the rocky walls and feel the rough stonework on top of the broken surfaces. I also thought that it was amazing because of the view the person took the picture.
The items I would take on a pilgrimage are a very big bottle of water, itʼs a long trip and I donʼt want to dehydrate. Iʼd also bring a strong tent for some shelter. I would also bring a pillow, a sleeping bag and some blankets to sleep with and to keep me warm. I'd also bring my teddy bear because stop me from being lonely.
I like the way the exhibition was set out because the pictures were set out nicely on the wall. instead of some regular floors.
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