KS2 pupils (including 5JW) had a treat on 8th October 2008. Living legend Adrian Hayes spoke to us in assembly about his amazing achievements. Adrian is only the 15th man in the entire world to have climbed Mount Everest as well as reaching the North and South Poles. He showed us videos and photos as well as telling us all about his three expeditions - everything from the dangers, the preparartion, the food he ate and how to go to the toilet!
He was very funny and very informative. He told us that his message was one of overcoming challenges - things in life can be difficult. Our attitude and our determination is key to success.
His achievements are incredible. A true inspiration to us all.
Read more about Adrian on the following link:
Add your comments about what you think about him and his amazing achievements.
Adrian Hayes is more than AMAZING!!!!!!!! I can't believe he came to kings!!!!!!!
What a fantastic assembly! I wish I could have heard more about his expeditions. He really caught all KS2's attention. Mrs H
When i saw Adrian's video it was like wow, i mean perfect, i mean idont know! It Was wonderful, no fab, no great. I dont know what to say about this video it was the best video i saw in my whole life!!!
Adrian was very interesting and we learnt alot!!!We hope he can come back soon aftr his Greenland expedition!!!
Erin and Teigan 6TS
A huge well done to Adrian Hayes, when he comes back from his next expedition to Greenland I will really want to hear all about it, every single tiny little detail! He was very brave to want to go on these perilous trips which could have cost him his life. I hope him and his family are all well, oh and before I forget a massive congratulations on a job well done! and I hope everyone appreciates him like everyone else at Kings' Dubai did on that very special day!
I think we are very lucky for Adrian to come into school!!
He is AMAZING!!! I really liked the vidios. I watched this program on CBBC called Serious Andies and they climed Mount everest. The children where only about 11, 12!!
wow what a man to clime the the tallest mountian in the world! :D
Mr Watson wouldn't stop talking about him he was AMAZING:)
I wolud be freezing if i climed that high MINIS 60
from Rose xx :D
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