This is our fantastic class blog! We have had it up and running for 9 months now, and are finishing our 3rd term of year 5. We've all enjoyed learning how to comment and post. We hope you like it! Have a read, get to to know us and then add your comments if you would like to. Vote on our surveys too. Have you got your own blog? We would like to know so we could visit yours. We will be making our blog bigger and better throughout the year. Let's keep Blogging. BLOG ON! Enjoy !!!
A great person and fantastic member of Class 5JW
Make your comments about our photo gallery.
As you can see there were lots of happy faces - it was like feeding time at the zoo!!!!
Mr Watson is very happy - not only did we have a brilliant atmosphere in class and enjoyed the investigation but he has also finally worked out how to have photos of our work on a loop on the blog.
Well Done to everyone who got the right answer! Thanks you to everyone who entered our competition.
Correct answers were received by:
5 Points : Lucy, Sami, Becky, Paul, Louis, Luke & Adam
4 Points : Jemima
3Points: Lauren
Very well done!
Watch this space to find out more about Brazil.
Can you find out any facts for yourself?
Stuarts and Tudors
Main arguements for the banning of smoking everywhere:
- The health risks. 120, 000 people die in the UK each year because of smoking related illnesses.
- Roy Castle died of lung cancer and yet never smoked a cigarette in his life
- Why should the tax payer have to continue to pay such a heavy bill for smokers?
- Lots of folk smoke and due to poor education or ignorance - they aware unaware of the damage that they are doing to themselves and those around them.
- Cigarette butts litter the environment and have caused further loss of life through quickly spreading fires.
Hanovers and Windsors
Main arguements against the abolition of smoking:
- In the freedom of ones own home and when consideration for others is taken into account - if someone still wishes to smoke that is their perogative.
- Tobacco growing countries and their economies would crumble over night
- No one wants to see an illegal black market trade of cigarettes
- The man who has worked in the tobacco factory for 20years is now suddenly out of a job and maybe unemployable
Both sides agreed on a number of issues and an ammended motion is being implemented as we speak.
Mr. O'Neill and I would like to thank the children today for what we beleive was the highlight of Yr5 this year to date. In every case, the children argued their case with respect and courtesy, with thought and care. They debated with vigour but were mature enough to concede certain points of the debate in order for the house to reach a compromise.
A great debate - Very well done Year 5!
If you would like to comment about what a wonderful person Rose is, please add your positive comments here. I know we all agree she has settled into life at Kings’ and 5JW brilliantly. We've already said some lovely things about her in class.
We think that Rose :
is really funny
is a great friend
is enthusiastic
is kind
always gives at 100%
is intelligent
always comes to school smiling
is always laughing
is always friendly to others
is extremely polite
is sensible
is neat
is reliable
has a good sense of humour
is nice to everyone
is a fast swimmer
is a fast runner
fits in well with everyone
always thinks about her work and produces good work
is a good gymnast
is fun to play with
makes people laugh
is generous
A great person and fantastic member of Class 5JW
A great person and fantastic member of Class 5JW