Adam O's Mum kindly sent us an updated photo of the Y5 Boys football team in their new kits just before yesterday's fixture. Don't they look great!
Lets hope they played as well as they look!
This is our fantastic class blog! We have had it up and running for 9 months now, and are finishing our 3rd term of year 5. We've all enjoyed learning how to comment and post. We hope you like it! Have a read, get to to know us and then add your comments if you would like to. Vote on our surveys too. Have you got your own blog? We would like to know so we could visit yours. We will be making our blog bigger and better throughout the year. Let's keep Blogging. BLOG ON! Enjoy !!!
2 great reuslts too! Well done boys.
oops!!! Spellings Mr Watson.... i meant to sat 2 great RESULTS too!
we won both games 2-1...GO KINGS!!!!
spelling mr Watson
not saT saY
Hi year 5 football squad!
You look so cool in your new kits!
Well done boys, well done...
because we are coming 2nd place and are in the finals,
GO KINGS!!!!!!
(we rule, everyone else SUCK!!)
On the 14th of jan. we are goin to the finalsday at rashid school. The other teams that are qualifiing are EC primary4th,JPS 1st,JESS jumeriah3rd and Kings dubai2nd.
GO KINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We lost the finalsday. The first match was 1-1 draw and the next one was 1-0 lose.
We don't RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(sort of)
Tom Soccer player
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