Finally.... I am delighted to announce the election results....
Our representatives on the school council will be:
Christopher Greaves
Lucy Field
Well done to everyone who took part - the standard of presentation was very high and I was so impressed by you all.
The sporting nature of the class was brilliant - applause and praise for all by all!
A Happy Mr Watson

A big well done to both Chris and Lucy. Hope you both enjoy being on the Council. Mrs H
very well done you two
Well done to everyone who mad ea speech too
I am over the moon to be in the council! :)
Hi Mr. Watsons class!
This is Kirra, WAY over at the other end of the school. We are doing now a blogging lesson where we are free to do what we want on the blogs. I thought I might check out yours after I commented on ours! We are having visitors today, from Keyworth primary school in England. And I thought WE were far away from you guys! we are having a great time over here, and congrats for Lucy and Chris! You are going to have lots of fun! I was in the school council last year! I is really enjoyable. Thanks.
Kirra B. 6PO'B
Congratulation Chris and Lucy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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