Meet 5JW. What a cool and friendly looking bunch!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rose's Water cycle's link

This is on the simple science website on Water Cycles.

Take a look:

Its cool!!!

From Rose x

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kristi's news

My favourite sport is horse riding. I went riding last week on my fave horse called Fritz! He was such a good horse, he did exactly what I told him to do, he didn't race off like some of the other horses did and he didn't stop everytime he got tired or wanted to got to the toilet. We were trotting in circles and going down lines in partners. I was partners with a boy riding a shire horse calles Apatchi.My favourite part of last week was riding bare back (which is when you take the horse's saddle off and just ride on their bare back)!!!!!!!!! The good thing was we could do anything we wanted, my riding instructer Andrea said "I bagsy Kristi is going to canter bare back first"!!!!!!!!!!!!! And guess what........................... I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was the first person in the riding class to canter bare back! I love horse riding and I can't wait to ride bare back again!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Water aid

Check out this link:

Rose is excited!

Hi everyone I am really excited to go to Atlantis today and go down the LEAP OF FAITH!!

Its gonna be really fun and I know im gonna enjoy it!! :) :P :D

Im going with Francesca in 5KON and her friend Rebecca.
Cant wait till we go.

34 minutes till I go! countdown!

Rose xoxox :P :) :D

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I was so proud of you all and how brillaint your musical instruments are.

more to follow
photos to follow

Monday, May 18, 2009


Check out this incredible link that Mrs Hislop is fascinated by:

It is truly amazing.

Message form Madame Bernaz - Pen Friend updates

French Pen Friends Update

Hi 5JW

This is the email address where you can send your message:


1- The message has to be written/sent as quickly as possible (eg. this week, especially as I won't see you next Sunday)

2- Could you let them know that they need to put the name of their pen-friend in the subject + the class (CM1) - in French or English-( eg. Message pour Bastian, CM1)

3- If they don't have a pen-friend yet simply have your draft ready and as soon as I have the remaining 3 pen-friends, I will forward their message to you.

Thank you very much

Madame Bernaz

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kian is King of the Week - Term 3 week 5

Massive congratulations to Kian, our new King of the week. Kian is a brillaint member of our class and it was easy to think of lot sof positives to say about him in class.

We think Kian :

is a really great swimmer

always helping people in class

is enthusiastic

is funny

is a great friend

is competetive

is a good runner

is sporty

tries hard in everything
is kind
is focussed
always tries his best
always has a smile on his face
is good at basketball
has good manners
has neat handwriting
is a joker ( in a nice way!)
always helps other people
is responsible
is caring
is reliable
has a good sense of humour
is polite
Well done Kian - a great person and fantastic member of the class!

Adrian Hayes' new adventure.

Whilst watching the news the other day (Sky News) I saw our famous friend Adrian Hayes talking about his new expedition to Greenland.

Check out the link below for more information:

We will follow his progress with interest.

Word Challenge - new words from long words, term 3, week 5

One of our English (word level work) Learning Objectives is all about understanding how words can be formed from longer words.

This can be done in 3 main/different ways:

- through the omission (missing out) of letters
for example o'clock (is short for 'of the clock')

- through the omission of prefixes
e.g. telephone is commonly shortened to phone

- through the use of acronyms
'Everyone Reading in Class' is commonly called ERIC at Kings'

I want you to think of as many as you can and add them to this post as a comment. Team points for correct answers.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Green Sami

Green life

Green is a color that can brighten up our day
Rivers and streams will flow freely
Eco friendly houses will be built all around
Everything will sparkle with glistening green
Nothing will be harmed but safe instead

Lush grass lands will be seen
Incredible co-operation can make it all happen
Forget about the past and look to the future
Environmentally friendly is the way to be.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jemima Back in Action

Another Jemima video from Lucy! Enjoy!

Jemima's funny video

Lucy has shared this with the class - Jemima in action!

What is a blog? Competition

Recently, a friend of mine asked me to define what a blog is and why we have one?
I thought this was a good question. I talked it through with him and he was happy with my response. I wonder what you think? How would you define it? And why do you think we have a class Blog?

A good example of a defintion of a blog can be found at:

Can you write a short and accurate definition of a blog AND a short explanation of why we have a class blog.

House points and maybe even prizes for good entries!

You can do enter by email or by writing down your answers.

Mr Watson's feeling proud

I just wanted to say to you all that I am very proud of you indeed.

You have been working really hard all year and especially this term. Assessment week is nothing to be worried about, as we have talked about in class - but I am so proud of the way you have approached it. I have been so very impressed by your maturity and efforts so far this week. Keep it up and very very well done!

(a happy) Mr Watson

Monday, May 11, 2009

Alizaky visits 5JW

At 11 May 2009 I came to visit Kings Dubai School for one day. I came in Mr.Watsons class for one day. Alec showed me around. I was in two assesments.We first had a maths assesment and then a social studies assesment about Dragonflies.I think it is a nice place and a big school.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

King Of The Week ( Term 3, Week 4) is Luke

Congratulations to Luke! He is our new King of the Week.

Luke is a super member of the class and we all had lots of positive things to say about him in circle time today. Mr Watson's hand was hurting because there was so much to say!

We think that Luke:

is reliable

is consistent

is enthusiastic

works well with others

is not afraid to say he finds something hard

is confident

is smart

has really improved at swimming

is funny

is independent

a nice person

has a good attitude

is great at rugby player

is a fast runner

has always an enthusiastic attitude to work

writes good stories

is always smiling

has neat handwriting

is a great friend

can work with a variety of people

is a star

tries so hard at everything

made lots of progress this year

Well done Luke - A terrific member of 5JW and a great King of the Week

Thursday, May 7, 2009

More riddles from Kristi

Here are a few riddles!

A lady named her children: Dominique, Regis, Michelle, Fawn, Sophie and Lara.
What will she name her next child? Jessica, Katie, Abby or Tilly?

For some I go fast for others I'm slow. To most people, I'm an obsession relying on me is a well practiced lesson.
What am I?

From Kristi

kristi tells us about Przewalski's horses

I will tell you all about the przewalski's horse which is extinct in the wild.

Przewalski's horses are the last surviving subspecies of wild horse. First described scientifically in the late 19th century by Russian explorer N. M. Przewalski, for whom the horse is named, the horse once freely roamed the steppe along the Mongolia-China border. Never again seen in the wild, Przewalski’s horses have since been kept and bred in captivity and have recently been reintroduced in Mongolia.With a short, muscular body, Przewalski’s horses are smaller than most domesticated horses. They have a pale belly and beige to reddish-brown coat that is short during summer and thicker and longer in winter. Their muzzle is white, and they don an erect and dark mane that lines their large head and neck. They stand about 12 to 14 hands tall at the shoulder, or about 48 to 56 inches (122 to 142 centimeters), and weigh about 440 to 750 pounds (200 to 340 kilograms).

Type: Mammal
Diet: Omnivore
Average lifespan in captivity: About 20 years
Size: Height at the shoulders 48 to 56 in (122 to 142 cm)
Weight: 440 to 750 lbs (200 to 340 kg)
Group name: Herd
Protection status: Extinct in the wild
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


5JW and Kings' enjoyed our Green Day on Wednesday 6th May 2009.

To help raise awareness of environmental issues and to raise money for new recycling equipment we all came to school dressed in Green (and paid 10Dhs).


As part of our SOUND of MUSIC theme we have been looking at musical instruments. This week we invited in all of our musicains to play and talk about their instruments.

I enjoyed showing you the drum kit, discussing the kit and the sounds it can make.

we then had our true musical stars talk to us in class about their intruments.

Paul and Mrs Hislop showed their Saxophones.

Paul impressed us as he has only been playing a few weeks and sounded like he had been playing for a lot longer! Mrs Hislop did a great job showing off her talents (despite not wanting to play!).

Zac, Chris and Angela talked to us about their guitars and played us some tunes. The making of a rock band!! If Lauren hadn't been absent we would have had our very own fab 4!

We then had Lucy, our clarinet expert who made such a wonderfulw arm and rich sound as she played for us.

Jemima and Angela both play the Violin. Jemima showed us the Violin and we compared it to Rose's Viola. We enjoyed listening to them both play.
We also had our three flute experts, Dan told us lots about the flute and played for us on Monday. Ashleigh and Becky played us 2 songs together on Tuesday and we loved the soft breathy sound which we thought was very relaxing.

School disco

KS 2 had great night at the school disco on Thursday 30th April. Lots of fun, dancing, energy and NOISE!!! Mr Watson couldn't believe how grown up you all looked!

Check out some of the photo's below:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tom's blog

Tom's blog address is :

It look likes Tom is having loads of fun!!!

Tom's news

Hi Mr Watson and class 5JW,

Have you looked on the blog recently? - there are lots of photos and our news.

We have been having problems getting internet access so I still haven't put a blog onto the class blog yet sorry. We only did maths lessons when we were crossing the Indian ocean because there were too many waves and rolling about to do the language stuff.

Now we are in the Maldives we start with language each day which covers all the science, history, geography and english together - I am currently doing a unit on creation stories, James's one is about aboriginal life and sam's is about bees and insects. After this we do maths then our daily diary and then we are all finished for the day.

I have read 15 books so far and lucky we have hundreds on the boat! When we were crossing the Indian Ocean we also did our boat PE!! - this was start jumps and situps and pushups and running around the decks then we had a salt water bucket shower before bed - I loved doing this each day!

When we get to Male James and I are going to do a scuba diving course so that we can really get down amongst the coral and fish. Where we have been snorkeling the coral has been very bleached from the El Nino - this means that all the algae have been killed off and thus destroying the colour.

PS don't use my old email account if you feel like writing to me but use this one:

Miss you all love Tomxoxox

Monday, May 4, 2009

Green links

Wednesday is GREEN DAY in school, to highlight environmental issues . As part of the day
The Green Group in school have provided us with some interesting links to look at.

Why don't you check out some of the links below. Let me know what you think of them and if they are fun as well as interesting. We will look at some of these in class too.











Eloise's riddle

Hey guys heres a riddle I found:

A time when they’re green, a time when they’re brown,
But both of these times, cause me to frown.
But just in between, for a very short while,
They’re perfect and yellow, and cause me to smile!

What am I talking about here?

Happy riddling!

Eloise :o)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Zac is our New King Of The Week (Term 3, week 3)

Congratulations to Zac!

He is our new king of the week!. Zac has made great impression on the class since joining Kings' and 5JW ealier in the year. We have all got to know Zac well, and like his energy and sense of humour.

We've already said lots of nice things in class about Zac - add more here by adding comments.

We think Zac:

is extremely enthusiastic

is funny

is a great friend

is very helpful

has matured lots

is willing to listen and learn

is determined

is a great team player

can balance being fun with working hard

has a great sense of humour

is a good surfer

is a very good friend to have

is a good swimmer

has brightened the class up

is weird, wacky and crazy (in a really good way!!!)

has an infectious and good laugh

tells good jokes

is polite

Word Challenge

This week's word challenge is a fun one. It is all to do with differnet dialects.
I want you to to understand how words vary across dialects,. For example, These words all mean the same thing but are used in different parts of the UK and the English speaking world. e

example - plimsolls, daps, sand-shoes, pumps, trainers, sneakers

Can you think a list of words that different people use for the same thing???? You can start and chain you like.

Add your comments to this link - points for house teams will be awarded. Your team is counting on you!!!

Kristi's poem

This are a poem I made up about things i saw outside the car window when we where driving to places.

The Sea
The spectacular turquoise water was calming my mind.
Dancing dolphins were a magnificent sight to see.
The soothing waves were enough to thrill my soul.
As is rocked to and frow my hair was blowing wildly in the ocean breeze.
As i looked across the water i could see the seals lying lazily on the rocks.
Islands dotted and spotted everywhere was something amazing.
The sea,superb and maraculus for just being water.

From Kristi