Congratulations to Luke! He is our new King of the Week.
Luke is a super member of the class and we all had lots of positive things to say about him in circle time today. Mr Watson's hand was hurting because there was so much to say!
We think that Luke:
is reliable
is consistent
is enthusiastic
works well with others
is not afraid to say he finds something hard
is confident
is smart
has really improved at swimming
is funny
is independent
a nice person
has a good attitude
is great at rugby player
is a fast runner
has always an enthusiastic attitude to work
writes good stories
is always smiling
has neat handwriting
is a great friend
can work with a variety of people
is a star
tries so hard at everything
made lots of progress this year
Well done Luke - A terrific member of 5JW and a great King of the Week
Well done luke. Great member of the class
Thats great new's Luke!
Thats fatastic !-)
Well done luke!!!!
Well done Luke you deserverd it this last week.
Rose :) :P :D
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