Congratulations Matthew.
Matthew is our new King of the Week. He has waited patiently all year for his name to be pulled out of the bag! Matthew is a great member of the class and we all had lots of lovely things to say to him and about him in class.
We think Matthew is:
- enthusiastic
- fun
- funny
- a great friend
- a great team player
- always consistent
- good at football
- is caring
- is a good sportsman
- is sporty
- makes people laugh
- has good manners
- is a good runner
- tries hard at evrything
- is a great member of the class
- is skillful
- is polite
- 'charges around' at breaktime and palys well
- has a funny and infectious laugh (in a nice way!)
- is good fun to be around
Well done Matthew
Add any other comments about Matthew to this post!
very energetic!
Grate mat at las you got to hav a go. I hope you have a grate week =]=]=]=]=]=]=]
Congratulations Mathew,
You've done a great job!
finally you get to have your turn!
(very patient)
unlike me ofcouse!!! lol
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